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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 42 – Newbury Park, CA


Requirements (Coaches, Referees, Team Managers, Board Members)

Thank you for interest in becoming a volunteer with AYSO Region 42!  The following steps are required to get you started to becoming a volunteer with us!
Detailed instructions on steps 1 & 2 are available at the AYSO National Website (opens in new window).

1) Volunteer Application
Every volunteer (coach, referee, board member, team manager, etc.) must submit a Volunteer Application each year through our Sports Connect portal.  Click on the "Register Now" button above or click here.

2) Sterling Background Check (Risk Status)
The background check application is delivered to AYSO National Headquarters and to Sterling Volunteers: the company that conducts the background check. Sterling Volunteers provides all volunteers with for an annual background check which screens for volunteers’ suitability to work with players.  Once the results of the background check are received by AYSO National and by Region 42, the volunteer will be evaluated for the volunteer positions they selected.
If you are a returning volunteer, you will receive a notification from Sterling Volunteers 30 days before your background check is due to renew.  You MUST renew when you receive the notification in order to remain eligible to volunteer.

3) Live Scan (CA Mandated Fingerprinting)
The Live Scan must be performed specifically for AYSO, it cannot be transferred from other organizations
Live Scan fingerprinting is mandated by the State of California under AB 506.  Live Scan is an ink-less electronic fingerprinting that scans your fingerprints directly into the computer to determine who a person is so that a background check can be done.  We will attempt to host onsite Live Scan events after registration opens for the upcoming season.  This will allow multiple volunteers to go through the Live Scan process on onsite for other activities; parent meeting, player evaluations, coach training, etc.  AYSO Region 42 will be able to provide you with specific information on the process and how to complete your Live Scan once you register to volunteer.

Online Course Requirements

In addition to the annual Volunteer Application and Background Check there are certain training requirements that must be completed by all volunteers.
Information on accessing AYSOU for courses 1, 2, and 3 is shown below

1) AYSO Safe Haven 
All volunteers must complete the AYSO Safe Haven course before they are allowed to participate in any region activities.  This course can be completed online through AYSO's learning platform, AYSOU, under the "Online Courses" tab. All volunteers are required to complete this prior to receiving team contact information and prior to holding team practice, so please complete the course at your earliest convenience.

2) CDC Concussion Awareness
The Concussion Awareness training can be completed online through the AYSOU platform.  Once you have successfully completed the course, your certification record will be updated.

3) Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) 
The Sudden Cardiac Arrest training can be completed online through the AYSOU platform. Once you have successfully completed the course, your certification record will be updated. 

4) Safe Sport Course (Not on AYSOU)
A comprehensive overview of facts, principles, and strategies to help you provide safe and positive sport environments. Units include:
  • Sexual Misconduct Awareness and Education
  • Mandatory Reporting
  • Physical and Emotional Misconduct (including bullying, hazing, and harassment)
SafeSport has an initial course (≅ 90 minutes), and an annual refresher (≅ 30 minutes).

Accessing and Completing SafeSport:
(If you have completed the SafeSport course required by US Soccer for AYSO, your certificate can be uploaded to your AYSO account. It will be reviewed and approved if it is current and the correct course.)

  1. Log into your Sports Connect account
  2. From the menu on left, select VOLUNTEER (A).
    Then select the pull-down arrow (B) for volunteer-specific information including accessing your SafeSport training.

  3. Click the link in the Safesport paragraph to get started with Safesport.

  4. You will need to create a SafeSport account. During the process when you see the question for "Membership ID", leave this blank. 
  5. Once the account has been created, go to "My Courses" and select "SafeSport Trained- U.S. Soccer Federation." 
  6. Complete the course 

5) Job Specific Training - Coaches & Referees
Coaches and Referees must also complete training and obtain certification specific to their job role.  Specific information is available on our website on their respective areas of our website:

Live Scan for Volunteers

Live Scan for Region 42 Volunteers

Effective January 1, 2022, all adults volunteering in youth sports organizations in California MUST have a one-time background check as approved by the California Department of Justice to exclude individuals with a history of child abuse. This form of background check requires Live Scan fingerprinting and applies to all regular volunteers in AYSO: Team Parents, Referees, Coaches, and Board Members.

I'm not sure if I'm going to volunteer
If you are not yet registered as a volunteer but might volunteer as a Team Parent, Referee, or other volunteer role, you should get your Live Scan completed at the earliest opportunity otherwise it may delay your ability to volunteer. Getting the Live Scan does not commit you to volunteer, but you cannot volunteer without it. For example: if a coach has completed the necessary coach clinics, Safe Haven, and other courses online, they cannot receive their team packet until the Live Scan is completed; those players can't play or practice until their coaches have their Live Scan complete.

Obtaining Your Live Scan

In the coming months we will be hosting nearby Live Scan events. You will be able to obtain your Live Scan for AYSO nearby and at no cost to you.  We will contact volunteers via email if they need to obtain their Live Scan for AYSO. If you are a registered volunteer and unsure if you need to obtain a Live Scan for AYSO, please email the Region 42 CVPA (Child & Volunteer Protection Advocate).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Will I have to pay for my Live Scan?
    if you are a Registered Volunteer in Region 42 there is no cost to you.
  • Will I have to pay for my Live Scan at an in-person event?
    , it depends on if you obtain the Live Scan at a Region 42 event or at another Region's event.  If you obtain it outside of Region 42 it will depend on how the region/area hosting the event chooses to bill for it.  Some will bill Region 42 directly, some will have you pay in advance.  You will need to check with the group hosting the event.
  • Do I need to get a Live Scan if I already did one for my job or other organization?
    YES, you need to get a Live Scan specifically to trigger the CA Mandated Background Check for AYSO. Live Scan fingerprints cannot be reused for another background check and background checks cannot be shared between organizations.
  • Will I have to do this every year?
    NO, you only need to get a Live Scan for AYSO once (unless you have a gap in volunteering of 5 years or more).
Additional Information
Additional FAQs can be found at the AYSO National page: California AB 506 - Background Check/Live Scan Policy for CA Volunteers opens in new window
If you still have questions, please email the Region 42 CVPA (Child & Volunteer Protection Advocate)


Registering for AYSO Courses – Using AYSOU

The information here describes how to access training courses required for all volunteers:

1) AYSO's Safe Haven - Online
2) CDC Concussion Awareness - Online
3) Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Online

You can also locate training schedules for Coach and Referee certification training in the TRAINING EVENT section (see below).

Accessing AYSOU

  1. Login to your AYSO Volunteer account from the Region 42 website by selecting the LOGIN button in the top-right.

  2. Once logged in, select ACCOUNT from the pull-down in the top-right

  3. From the menu on left, select VOLUNTEER (A).
    You can then select the pull-down arrow (B) for volunteer-specific information including accessing your SafeSport training.
    The AYSOU button (C) will open a window for AYSOU training.

  4. Once on the AYSOU website select TRAINING LIBRARY from the menu on the left.
    Then, under Safe Haven, select VIEW COURSES.

  5. On the COURSES IN SAFE HAVEN page you will see the options to take the courses required of all volunteers:
    1) AYSO's Safe Haven - Online
    2) CDC Concussion Awareness - Online
    3) Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Online
  • Information about additional courses are listed in the TRAINING LIBRARY found in step 4 above.  Descriptions about various Coaching and Referee courses can be found here.
  • Not all courses are available online.  To locate in-person courses that you are interested in click on TRAINING EVENT from the left-side menu, just below the TRAINING LIBRARY button.  On the TRAINING EVENT page you can enter your location (e.g. 91320) and start typing the course you'd like.  For example: for 10U Coaching classes simply start typing "10U coach" and a menu of courses will appear.
  • You can also check the Region 42 Calendar for upcoming Coach and Referee courses.  We typically offer 6U-12U Coach Training and Regional Referee prior to the start of the Fall season.  Coaches must be certified prior to receiving their team packet so be sure to get your age-appropriate training early.
Important notes about using AYSOU
  • Do not bookmark the AYSOU page; you must access it by logging in to at Region 42 website in step 1 above and following steps 1-3.
  • Many in-person courses are available in nearby regions.  When searching for Training Events do not limit yourself to Newbury Park/Region 42.
  • Do not wait to get training!  You cannot perform AYSO volunteer roles unless you have obtained the required certifications and completed your LiveScan.
If you would like more information about volunteering as a Coach, Referee, or Team manager, see the appropriate selection under the VOLUNTEERS menu at the top of the page.

For general volunteer questions, email the Region 42 CVPA.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 42 – Newbury Park, CA

P.O. Box 709 
Newbury Park, California 91319

Email Us: [email protected]
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